Combating climate change requires a new approach to waste. Boosting recycling rates and diverting waste from landfill are key to environmental protection and meeting Net Zero. At Calabash we are developing a robust sustainability strategy to protect people and planet whilst future proofing our operation. Providing customers with effective waste management solutions is integral to helping companies reduce their carbon footprint and support the triple bottom line.
In 2020, an incredible 12.7 million tonnes of municipal waste was sent to landfill in the UK. Despite pressure to support circularity and keep precious resources in the value chain, our recycling rate has still not reached 50%. UK statistics on waste – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Sending waste to landfill is literally fuelling the climate crisis. The disposal and treatment of waste generates significant quantities of greenhouse gas emissions which serve to heat our planet. Most potent of these is the methane released during the breakdown of organic matter in landfills.
Taking more responsibility for the waste we produce is integral to sustainable business practice. Whether you are a restaurant, a college or retailer, putting systems in place to maximise recycling is critical.
For more than 10 years Calabash has been working with contractor First Mile to offer a series of waste management services to our customers. First Mile works with more than 30,000 businesses, reducing their carbon impact with a range of recycling, waste, and circular economy services.
They have made a Zero to Landfill promise and anything they are unable to recycle goes to a waste-to-energy facility where the output is used to power homes.
Through First Mile we offer customers more than 20 different waste management services and approximately a quarter of our client base are taking advantage across around 70 sites. According to First Mile’s tracker tools, these sites achieved a recycling rate of 67% over the last months. Our aim is to reach 80%, that would secure Gold accreditation.
Meeting that goals requires extra momentum in increasing recycling rates and persuading customers to use more of First Mile’s services. One area we are particularly focused on is promoting the responsible disposal of food waste.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, food waste contributes 8-10% of total man-made greenhouse gas emissions. WRAP estimates that the GHGs associated with the 9.5 Mt of food waste in the UK is around 25 million tonnes CO2e – equivalent to c.5% of UK territorial emissions and the same as 10 million cars. Action on food waste | WRAP
In addressing the issue, the starting point should always be reducing the amount of food going to waste in the first place. What is not used should find its way to an anaerobic digestor to create renewable energy rather than contributing to climate change by decomposing in landfill.
As an added benefit, First Mile’s food waste service actually costs less than the disposal of general waste.
So, whatever your business, join us on our sustainability journey and manage your waste responsibly. The facilities management sector must do more to encourage clients to embrace recycling, but it is the responsibility of every business leader to make more responsible and ethical choices. Talk to Calabash about how we can you reduce your environmental impact.
Company No: 02764589 | Registered address: The Coach House, Powell Rd, Buckhurst Hill, Essex, United Kingdom, IG9 5RD | VAT No. GB609134553