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Key Policies & Procedures

Vetting Policy

Calabash understands that an effective recruitment and vetting process is core to a professional cleaning company. Our HR department follows key policies & procedures and a rigorous process ensuring candidates have:

  • Valid passport or ID

  • Visa or work permit endorsed

  • National Insurance Number

  • Police registration (student visa only)

  • Proof of address of utility bill

  • Work reference

  • We use uAuthenticate Mobile provided by uComply to perform right to work checks. 

The benefits to our clients:

  • Assurance all our on-site staff have the right to work

  • We know who our staff are and where they live

  • We carry out Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check for staff working in schools, nursing homes and other sites when requested

Our multilingual HR department ensures that all our staff are trained to a sufficient standard and understand their responsibilities on-site. The Induction training is followed by ongoing site-specific training by Area Managers.

Environmental Policy

Calabash is an ethical and responsible organisation, which acknowledges the impact our operations may potentially have on the environment. Our clear objectives are to minimise any impact on the environment by:

  • Preventing pollution, reducing waste and ensuring that wherever practical, measures are implemented to protect and preserve the environment

  • Considering the effects that our operations may have on the local community

  • Taking action to eliminate or reduce, as far as practical, any potentially adverse environmental impacts

  • Promoting environmental awareness amongst our suppliers, contractors and partners by implementation of operational procedures and choice of cleaning materials

  • Seeking to work in partnership with the community by behaving in a considerate and socially responsible manner

  • Encouraging employees to examine their own activities and to report any probable environmental effects to their supervisor

  • Choosing and following processes in the most environmentally friendly manner, which is economically practical

  • Disposing of waste in accordance with current legislation

  • Using recycled material wherever possible

  • Sourcing supplies from sustainable sources and from environmentally sustainable supplies.

Management and site supervisory staff have responsibilities for the implementation of the policy and must ensure that environmental issues are given adequate consideration in the planning and day-to-day supervision of all work.

Calabash will comply with the duties placed upon it within the requirements of statutory legislation, whilst at all times complying with, as a matter of best practice, the requirements and duties set out within Approved Guidance as issued by the Environment Agency and other organisations.

All employees and subcontractors are expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of this policy, whist ensuring that their own works, so far as is reasonably practicable, are carried out without risk to themselves, others or the environment. This includes co-operating with management on any environment related matter.

The Directors have overall responsibility for all environmental matters. The operation of this policy and the associated procedures will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they remain current and applicable to the organisation’s activities. The policy has been endorsed by the board of directors who give their full support to the implementation of the policy.

Health and safety

Calabash is committed to the health and safety of our employees, and anyone affected by our work or presence on site. We are aware of our legal obligations and know that it is our responsibility to take care of our staff and to make sure they work safely. We take this moral and legal responsibility very seriously.

Providing a safe and healthy working environment for our staff, and for all personnel who come into contact with our operations, is at the heart of our business. Risk and COSHH Assessments are conducted by our Operations Management team, who are responsible for evaluating any risks to health and for taking appropriate actions where necessary to avoid or minimise those risks.

Our Operations Management team and site supervisors manage day-to-day health and safety issues, ensuring all Calabash employees work in a safe manner whilst performing their duties. With each site having a ‘competent person' and/or a qualified First Aider, we embrace and promote high standards throughout our company and our operations.

Health and safety performance and trends are closely monitored at monthly health and safety meetings, enabling us to prevent and minimise site accidents to ensure a safer working environment.

Responsibility Policy

 Ensuring trust is restored in businesses hinges on prioritising the welfare of employees. The minimum wage often falls short of providing families with a sustainable living, and that's why an increasing number of our clients have taken the initiative to become accredited Living Wage employers, committing to pay fair rates to their direct and supplier employees.

Service industries, such as cleaning and catering, greatly benefit from the Living Wage, yet some buyers hesitate to pay above the minimum wage due to cost considerations. Embracing the Living Wage for both direct and supplier staff requires a proactive procurement approach, valuing the overall contract quality over just the hourly pay. By focusing on the value of the service delivered rather than merely the hours purchased, customers can identify contractors who offer quality service while ensuring their staff are appropriately compensated.

At Calabash, we champion fair wages and believe that an empowered and well-cared-for workforce is the foundation of any successful business relationship.

Gender Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy

Calabash is committed to supporting and developing diversity and equality in all our employment practices and activities. We aim to establish an inclusive culture, free from discrimination and based on fairness, dignity, transparency and respect.

We support and develop our staff by providing everyone with access to personal and career development opportunities and employment on an equal basis, irrespective of race, ethnic origin, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, transgender identity, part-time or fixed term contract status, religion or belief.

Anti-Modern Day Slavery Policy

Modern day slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. Calabash has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern-day slavery. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and to putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern-day slavery taking place within the business or our supply chain.

We operate a whistleblowing policy so that all employees know that they can raise concerns about how colleagues are being treated, or about practices within our business or supply chain, without fear of reprisal.

Data Protection policy

Calabash is committed to conducting its business in compliance with all applicable Data Protection laws, notably the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which came into effect on 25 May 2018. The regulations cover both written and computerised information and the individual’s right to see such records.

This policy sets out the expected behaviours of Calabash employees and third parties in relation to the collection, use, retention, transfer, disclosure and destruction of any personal data belonging to a Calabash contact. We are committed to processing personal data fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner.

Gender Pay Gap Report

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Company No: 02764589 | Registered address: The Coach House, Powell Rd, Buckhurst Hill, Essex, United Kingdom, IG9 5RD | VAT No. GB609134553